Tech Tutor
Having trouble with technology? The library is here to help!
Contact the library to set up an appointment to help you learn about your new e-reader, laptop, setting up an email address, using Word--basically anything you want to learn more about!
You can also stop by the desk anytime, though we may not be able to assist with more complicated problems immediately. Tech tutor sessions are 30 minute appointments. It is a scheduled time with a librarian who will work to help you understand how to use a device, use specific software, help you with a setting problem or provide you with resources that will help you.
Unfortunately, we can't solve all technology problems or issues but if we can help you, we will try our hardest to! If not we will research the problem and provide you with additional solutions or options. We can't guarantee that we know everything but with a little research we can put you on the right path!