Wowbrary                                                                 wowbrary.jpg

An Exciting New Way To Enjoy Your  Library                                                     
The Ericson Public Library buys many thousands of new books, movies, and CDs each year. We are proud to offer you weekly email alerts showing you the newest books, DVDs, CDs, and audio books that we purchase each week. We hope you'll enjoy hearing about the many exciting bestsellers, movies, music, and recorded books almost the very moment they arrive at the library.  We also provide you with highlights of programs during the week so you don't miss out on fun and exciting things happening at your library!
Whenever you spot something of interest, you'll be able to click instantly, reserve it, and check it out at your convenience. And of course, like everything else in the library, this service is free!

Sign up here!
Wowbrary users give it rave reviews:

I love the new service ... This is an awesome site ...
It's a wonderful tool ... I think this is a great service ...
I like it a lot! ... Thanks for offering this service!

To get started and see what the emails look like, just visit You can quit the weekly emails any time you wish. 
Our library is excited to offer this service and  hope you will enjoy it and the library's many new books, movies and music.