The Power of Storytime at the Library
The library believes that in providing a variety of storytime experiences we also support early literacy and a lifelong love of learning. Within storytime, we bring in the elements of singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing. Beyond introducing children to stories, characters, and print concepts, storytime expectations range from encouraging executive functioning skills in children to introducing them to the latest technology and learning apps. Storytime is no longer a passive listening experience—it is as much about play as it is the stories. Our librarian also provides tips for parents and caregivers on how to select and use age appropriate books and other resources for their children. By capturing a child’s interest and imagination early, we can help children discover that literacy can be an enjoyable and a valuable part of their lives. These meaningful early literacy experiences through storytimes help children to develop in early literacy, communication and social skills needed to be ready to learn by the time they enter school.
Wednesday and Thursday 10:00am
Storytime is for infants to 6 years.
Every storytime is unique and includes a variety of storytime formats designed to meet your little one’s needs. Enjoy stories from your favorite storytime characters, dancing, singing, parachutes, and more.
A craft is included.
Infant Storytime
Friday 10:00am (1st & 3rd Fridays)
Storytime is infant to 2 years.
Shake, rattle, and roll! We are excited to offer a storytime program exclusively
for infants and children to age 2.
It will include board book reading, songs and movement to encourage a love of reading!
Family Fun
Tuesday at 6:30pm (1st & 3rd Tuesday)
Storytime is for all ages
Story Jamming is an evening all age storytime that includes stories, music, dancing, and sensory exploration.
A craft is included.
Story Jamming
Tuesday at 6:30pm (2nd & 4th Tuesday)
Storytime is for all ages
Story Jamming is an evening all age storytime that includes stories, music, dancing, and sensory exploration.
A craft is included.