Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a process through which library material, or a copy of the material, is
made available by one library to another upon request. If the Ericson Public Library does not
have the material that a user needs within its collection, library staff will attempt to borrow it
from another library via the ILL system. Ericson Public Library will participate in SILO and
OCLC ILL programs and follow their protocols.
Eligible Borrowers
Interlibrary loan service is available to Boone city and county resident library users in good
standing (i.e., card is not blocked for fines, overdue materials, or incorrect contact
information) who have been issued a current Ericson Public Library borrower's card.
Requesting Interlibrary Loan Service
An interlibrary borrowing request is initiated by submitting a completed ILL request form to a
Library service desk or from the online request form. Requests will also be accepted by
telephone from any Ericson Public Library cardholder in good standing. When requesting an
item for interlibrary loan, the following information will assist library staff in locating and
requesting the item: exact title of the item, author or editor's full name, publisher, and date of
Request Restrictions
1. Material Types
Some types of materials are not available for lending by other libraries and, consequently,
the following will not be requested on interlibrary loan: popular audio-visual materials (videos,
and sound recordings); reference material (e.g. directories, encyclopedia sets, indexes,
standard library reference tools); bound volumes or individual issues of magazines and
newspapers; software; rare, archival, manuscript or fragile items; popular books published
within the last year; and books currently in the collection of the Ericson Public Library which
are not listed as lost or missing.
2. Number of Requests Accepted
A library user may have up to three (3) outstanding interlibrary loan transactions at any one
time. This includes requests that are pending as well as materials that the user currently has
borrowed through interlibrary loan.
Copyright Compliance
The Ericson Public Library complies with Federal copyright law and CONTU (National
Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works) guidelines.
Circulation of Interlibrary Loan Materials
The library lending the material sets the due date. Typically, interlibrary loan materials will be
loaned to patrons for a two-week period.
Library users are encouraged to return materials at the end of the loan period so that materials
are not absent from the lending library for an unreasonable length of time. Renewals are only
permitted if the lending library allows such an extension. Requests to renew an item must be
submitted two days in advance of the due date for the item.
Borrowing Fees and Overdue Fines
The library will make every effort to request materials from those libraries who do not charge
for lending their materials. Many libraries, however, are now charging for lending materials
from their collections. Library users are responsible for any charges applied by the lending
library including photocopy charges, postage for the loan of microfilm or microfiche, overdue
fines, or fees for damaged or lost materials. Library staff will make every effort to notify the
library user as to any fees that will be assessed by the lending library. If lending charges are
not paid at the time the material is picked up, they will be attached to the user's circulation
record and handled in the same manner as fines and other charges.
10 ¢ per day per item overdue fine will be assessed for interlibrary loan materials that are
returned past their due date. The library user also is responsible for any charges assessed
by the lending library for damage to an interlibrary loan item. If an interlibrary loan item is lost,
the library user will be responsible for the cost of the item.
Library users who request an item via interlibrary loan and fail to pick it up upon notification
may lose their privileges to use ILL service.
Lending Materials to Other Libraries
There will be no charge to other libraries to borrow materials from the Ericson Public Library's
collection, nor will charges be assessed for overdue items. If an item is not returned by the
borrowing library to the Ericson Public Library, the borrowing library is responsible for the
replacement cost of the item.
Ericson Public Library materials will be lent to other libraries for four weeks.
The Ericson Public Library will lend photocopies of periodical articles or pages from books in
accordance with federal copyright law. In order to assure that local Ericson Public Library
users have access to the latest materials, the following items will not be loaned via
interlibrary loan: popular books published within the last year; books with long reserve lists;
items designated as "high demand"; popular audio-visual materials (videos and sound
recordings); software; reference material (e.g. directories, encyclopedia sets, indexes,
standard library reference tools); bound or current issues of magazines and newspapers;
microfilm; and rare, archival, manuscript or fragile items.
Adopted November 19, 2007
Revised and approved January 17, 2022

Outreach Homebound and Institution Service

Outreach Service
Outreach services are intended to provide impactful library service beyond the borders of our
library facility – to take library service to our community. The library provides story time and
other programming for institutions that serve children, their families, and adults that are
unable to come to the library. When this programming takes place at the institution rather
than at the library, it is considered outreach. The purpose of outreach programming is to
introduce children from birth through seniors to the Ericson Public Library and its services, as
well as provide a variety of age-appropriate literacy experiences.
Eligible institutions include, but are not necessarily limited to, senior care centers or facilities,
public and private schools, preschools, licensed daycare centers, Head Start, and social
agencies such as homeless shelters and shelters for abused women and children. The final
determination of eligibility is left to the discretion of the library staff.
Homebound service
Any person within the city limits of Boone who is temporarily or permanently unable to come
to the library because of an illness or physical condition may request that books and
library materials be brought to their home. There is no charge for this service. Must have
a card in good standing.
Institution service
A selection of books will be taken to Westhaven Community, the Eastern Star Masonic
Home, the Regency Retirement Residence and the Beckwith Adult Day Care each
month. The books will be checked out to each facility, which shall be responsible for
their return.
Because recipients of homebound and institution service receive and return library materials
based upon a delivery schedule, no overdue fines will be charged. However,
homebound participants are responsible for all items checked out and will be charged
the standard fee for any lost or damaged item.
Adopted November 19, 2007
Reviewed and approved January 17, 2022



The Ericson Public Library will provide programming to further our mission of promoting an
educated citizenry and enriching personal lives. These programs are provided to help
meet the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the residents of
the community of Boone.
Programming is provided to appeal to citizens of all ages but individual programs may be
designed for a specific audience based on age. Programs targeting a specific age group
will be promoted as such. All library programs are open to the general public.
While some programming will be generated internally by library staff using library resources
or with support of the Friends of the Ericson Public Library, the library will also
incorporate cooperative programming with other agencies, organizations, and
educational institutions capitalizing on existing knowledge and expertise. When grant –
sponsored programs are held, dictates and rules of the grant will be followed. Library
program presenters who are affiliates of commercial enterprises may provide general
knowledge without direct promotion of a business enterprise resulting in potential profit.
In addition, library programming shall not exclude topics or speakers because they may
be controversial. Acceptance of a program does not constitute endorsement by the
library of the individual presenter’s policies or beliefs. Library-initiated programs will
provide for the ―interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community
the library serves‖ as outlined in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.
No fees will be charged to people attending library programs except with the approval of the
library director. The only items that may be sold to the public are books, recordings, or
works of art created by presenters. The performer or his/her associate must handle the
sale of these items.
The Ericson Public Library may provide off-site outreach or virtual programming to ensure
equity of access and service to all patrons. These programs could include storytime
events at local preschools or presentations to community groups or organizations for the
purpose of providing or promoting library services.
Library programs or classes may be cancelled for several reasons including cases of severe
weather, presenter conflict, or low registration numbers.
Adopted December 18, 2000
Reviewed and approved January 19, 2004
Revised and approved January 17, 2022

Genealogical Research

1. Local patron requests
Library staff will assist patrons to find the correct microfilm reel or book to search in.
Patrons are expected, if physically able, to conduct their own research.
2. Out-of-town requests
Research requests received by mail or e-mail will be directed to the Adult Services
Librarian. If research request is limited and specific in nature the librarian will make an
attempt to find the information required. Our library staff does not conduct general
research and will consult indexed material only. More advanced research requests will
be referred to other non-profit organizations..
3. The library reserves the right to discontinue or disregard requests from professional
genealogists, fee researchers or other individuals who attempt to use our reference
services for monetary gain or from patrons who utilize these services excessively.
Photocopies are ten cents per page.
Adopted January 19, 2004
Revised and approved October 17, 2011
Revised and approved January 17, 2022

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

The Ericson Public Library provides free, unsecured access to the Internet to connect the
public to the world of ideas and information, and to provide equal access to that
information for all individuals in the community. This policy applies to all use of the
library’s Internet service, whether privately owned or library-provided devices are
operated. Libraries are a traditional forum for the open exchange of information.
Providing access to information available on the Internet does not constitute
endorsement of the content by the library. Ericson Public Library expressly disclaims any
liability or responsibility arising from use of the Internet or information obtained through
the Internet.
1. Internet computers will not be used for illegal activity or to access illegal or obscene
materials. Display of sexually explicit graphics is inappropriate for a public and open
environment and is prohibited. Library staff members may request that individuals cease
to view or listen to works that threaten the safe and comfortable environment of the
library or interfere with the conduct of library business.
2. Users will respect copyright laws and licensing agreements.
3. Users will not make any attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or
4. Users will respect the privacy of other users.
5. Library staff is authorized to terminate any user’s access session, or to prohibit a user
from subsequent access given cause to believe that the user has failed to comply with
the Internet Acceptable Use Policy and/or the library’s policies on patron behavior.
1. Ericson Public Library does not impose blocking or filtering software to limit access to
Internet sites. As with other library materials, individuals must accept responsibility for
evaluating the content of resources they view, read, or listen to. Monitoring and any
restriction of a child’s access is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
2. A log-in, time-limiting system will be used to insure equitable access.
3. Installation or modification of software or hardware is prohibited.
4. Users may download files only onto discs or USB devices, not onto the hard drive.
5. Prompt payment is required from users who incur charges for printing, etc.
6. By mutual agreement, two persons may share one terminal as long as their behavior or
conversation does not disturb other users or the library staff. The shared session counts
as each user’s access for the day.
7. Users must end their session and leave the terminal when their time is up or when asked
to do so by library staff.
8. Patrons may not use the terminals if they owe any library fines.
9. Users handling financial transactions or other activities that require confidentiality do so
at their own risk. The Internet is not a private environment and security of electronic
communication cannot be guaranteed.
1. Users are expected to know how to configure their own laptop for wireless use.
2. The library is not able to provide technical assistance to wireless users, and there is no
guarantee that a wireless connection can be established.
3. The user’s laptop must be configured with virus protection using current virus definitions.
4. The library’s wireless network is not secure. The library assumes no responsibility for
the safety of configurations, security or data files on a user’s laptop resulting from
connection to the library’s network.
5. The library assumes no responsibility for damage to or theft of a user’s equipment.
Adopted January 15, 2007
Reviewed and approved December 15, 2014
Reviewed and approved January 17, 2022



All patrons must follow the Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
Limits and Availability
1. Laptops can only be checked out by people with an Ericson Public Library card and a
current government issued photo ID. 
2. iPads can only be checked out by Library cardholders age 18 or older in good standing that are residents of Boone County.
3. The library patron is responsible for any laptop or iPad borrowed from the Ericson
Public Library, including all accessories. The library patron warrants that the device was in
good working order when borrowed and that the library patron will reimburse the library if
the device or accessories are damaged, lost, or stolen while checked out.The laptops
cannot be removed from the building and are checked out for two hours up to four hours,
overdue fines do not accrue.
4. Patrons cannot use the laptop computers or iPads if they have fines or overdue
library materials.
5. Laptops cannot be reserved.
6. Eligible patrons may check out one laptop at a time.
7. Laptops will not be checked out within one hour of the library closing time.
8. Borrowers may not install software on the devices.
9. Borrowers may not alter, delete or copy any software loaded or otherwise change its
existing configuration.
10. Borrowers must save their files to flash or jump drives or send them via email
attachments. All files will be erased and each iPad will be restored to a default load upon
each check-in.
11. Printing is available from laptops and iPads.
12. Audio or video files must be played with headphones provided by the borrower.
13. Borrowers must abide by the Ericson Public Library Laptop and iPad Policy and the
Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
14. The iPad CANNOT be returned in the book drop. Until the iPads and accessories are
returned inside the library and checked in and inspected by staff, it is the patron’s
15. iPad check out is for two weeks and can be renewed twice and put on hold if
16. Overdue fines for iPads will be accrued at a rate of $10.00 per day to a maximum of
17. If the iPad or accessories are not returned, it will be considered lost, the borrower will
be charged the replacement fee below. The library will not accept replacement iPads or
accessories purchased by the customer. The minimum replacement cost of a iPad is $165
including accessories.
o iPad $130
o Case $15
o USB/Charging cable $10
Troubleshooting Problems and Questions
1. If patrons experience problems, they should ask for assistance at the circulation desk.
2. The borrower will be fiscally responsible for any damage to the machine if they try to
troubleshoot problems themselves.
The Ericson Public Library is not responsible for damage to any removable drive or loss of
data that may occur due to malfunctioning hardware or software.
Revised and Approved January 17, 2022



The Library will maintain certain items of equipment for patron use on site.
1. Audio-visual equipment
a. The meeting room has a theater media projector with DVD, WII, and
Playstation capabilities. Patrons need to request staff assistance for use.
b. An overhead projector and portable sound system are available for meeting
room use. Both are stored in the closet and need to be requested for use.
c. The Children’s Department has a media projector with VHS and DVD capabilities
for staff use only.
2. Computers
The library has PCs and laptops for patron use. Computers in the building are for in-library
use only. Charges will be made for print-outs.
3. Microfilm readers
The library will maintain machines for accessing the collection of microfilm. Reservations
may be required as necessary. Charges will be made for print-outs.
4. Photocopy Machine
The library will provide a photocopier for public use. Charges will be made for photocopies.
The photocopy machine also allows patrons to scan and send to email or save to a USB
device. Library staff will provide assistance when requested. Color copies will require
staff assistance. Patrons will not pay for staff mistakes when assistance is provided.
5. Fax
The library has a fax machine available for use by the public. Charges will be made for
the sending and receiving of faxes. Library Staff will provide assistance in using the
fax machine. The fax number is 515.432.1103.
Adopted March 15, 2010
Reviewed and approved January 17, 2022

Disc Cleaning and Repair

The Ericson Public Library offers a service of cleaning/repairing DVDS, CDs, and game
discs for a charge of $1.00 per disc. The following terms and conditions apply to
cleaning and repairing discs:
1. Repairs are limited to 5 discs per visit in clearly marked cases.
2. The Library charges $1.00 per disc.
3. Notification by email/phone when the disc has been processed.
4. The Library assumes no responsibility for items lost or damaged during the repair
5. Library will make a reasonable attempt to repair the customer’s discs to pristine
condition, with the following understanding:
a. Not all discs can be repaired. We cannot repair cracked discs or discs that
have been damaged by deep scratches, heat or chemicals.
b. While most repaired discs will be returned in almost like new condition, there
may be a slight, barely noticeable circular pattern created during the wet
sanding process or there may be text labeling near the center ring of the disc
worn away. This is normal and cannot be avoided. It should not affect the
playability of the repaired disc.
c. While most returned discs will be in substantially better condition than when
received, we assume no responsibility for further damage caused by our
process. For example, while repairing very deep scratches in a highly
damaged disc, it is possible that during the process we may damage the data
layer while attempting to remove the deep scratch.
Adopted July 18, 2011
Reviewed and approved January 17, 2022


Social Media Policy

The purpose of this policy is to address use of social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and
LinkedIn, by the Ericson Public Library ("Library") and its employees, volunteers, officials
and patrons. The Library uses social media to increase awareness of and accessibility to
its programs, resources and services in order to serve its mission.
Library Sponsored Social Media
Only those employees responsible for the Library’s social media sites should be actively
participating on those sites during work hours. Employees who contribute to the Library’s
social media should present content in a professional manner and should check facts,
cite sources, avoid copyright infringement, present balanced views, acknowledge and
correct errors and check grammar and spelling before posting.
Employees should not discuss confidential, work-related matters through social media.
Employee Personal Use of Social Media
Library employees have the same right to self-expression enjoyed by members of the
community as a whole when discussing matters of public concern. As public employees,
Library employees are cautioned that speech made pursuant to official duties is not
protected speech under the First Amendment and may form the basis for discipline if
deemed a violation of any policy of the Library. Employees must be aware that
information they display or comments they make on Library social media sites may be
viewed by other users as representing official Library sponsored information or
Employees should keep in mind the following best practices when posting content about
library-related subjects and issues on personal time:
 If you identify yourself as an employee of the Library, make it clear that the views
expressed are yours alone and do not represent the views of the Library.
 Respect the Library’s confidential and proprietary information. Do not post
information that is still in draft form or is confidential.
No comments with any kind of negative, mocking, condescending, etc. slant should be
made about patrons in general, about specific questions from patrons, or about patron
behavior on the Library’s social media sites. The Library does not endorse, monitor or
review the content of personal, non-Library related social media activity of its employees.
Employee use of personal social media is not permitted during work time except for workrelated
purposes such as professional development or library-related social media
Posting on Social Media Sites
The Library permits patrons to comment on Library posts. It does not endorse the opinions
expressed in posts on its social media sites. You should have no expectation of privacy
in postings on Library sponsored social media sites, and by utilizing these sites, you
consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor and read any postings on the sites. The
Library’s social media sites may be considered public records under the Public Records
While the Library recognizes and respects differing opinions and the First Amendment rights
of its employees and patrons, the Library reserves the right to delete posts that violate
Library policy. Failure to comply with federal, state and local law as well as Library
policies will be grounds for suspension of posting privileges.
Posts that contain any of the following are prohibited and will be removed:
 Advertisements
 Spam
 Postings which contain obscene matter
 Disparaging, harassing, abusive, profane or offensive postings
 Postings that are hateful, threatening, pornographic, that contain graphic or
gratuitous violence
 Potentially libelous or defamatory postings
 Postings which contain privileged, proprietary, or confidential information about any
person, business, or entity, including, without limitation, patrons, vendors, the Library
or Library partners
 Postings which violate or potentially violate local, state, or federal laws, including,
without limitation, intellectual property and copyright laws
 Posting which discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
handicap, age, sexual orientation, creed, or ancestry
 Postings which are sexually harassing, including, without limitation, epithets, slurs,
negative stereotyping, sexual rumors that show hostility toward individuals based on
gender, derogatory comments about individuals’ body or appearance, unwelcome
sexual compliments, innuendos, suggestions or jokes
 Postings which, promote alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or other tobacco products,
or any illegal product, service, or activity; support or opposes any labor organization
or any action by, on behalf of, or against any labor organization; support or opposes
the nomination or election of a candidate for public office, the investigation,
prosecution, or recall of a public official, or the passage of a levy or bond issue.
 Advertising or sale of merchandise or services
The Library, its employees, agents and officials assume no responsibility for any damages,
direct or indirect, arising from participation in Library-sponsored social media. Violations
of this policy by employees may result in discipline, up to and including termination of
Adopted February 16, 2016
Reviewed and approved January 17, 2022


Mobile Hotspot Lending Policy

The Ericson Public Library offers mobile hotspots as a public service for library patrons to
assist with schoolwork, professional work, recreational use, or other wireless internet
needs. Given the expense of the mobile hotspot, the library requires a library card for
check out.
To ensure the mobile hotspots are available and functional for all cardholders, the following
guidelines are in use:
 The library patron is responsible for any mobile hotspot borrowed from the Ericson
Public Library, including all accessories.
 The library patron warrants that the hotspot was in good working order when
borrowed and that the library patron will reimburse the Library if the hotspot or
accessories are damaged, lost, or stolen while checked out.
 The hotspot CANNOT be returned in the book drop. Until the hotspot and
accessories are returned inside the library and checked in and inspected by staff, it is
the patron’s responsibility.
 The mobile hotspots are available to Ericson Public Library cardholders age 18 or
older in good standing that are residents of Boone County.
 One mobile hotspot check out per household address at a time.
 Mobile hotspots check out for one week and can be renewed twice and put on hold if
 Overdue fines for mobile hotspots will be accrued at a rate of $10.00 per day to a
maximum of $50.
 If the mobile hotspot or accessories are not returned, it will be considered lost, the
borrower will be charged the replacement fee below. The library will not accept
replacement hotspots or accessories purchased by the customer. The minimum
replacement cost of a hotspot is $150. When the hotspot is one day past due
wireless service will be terminated and the device will be unusable.
o Mobile hotspot $80
o Case $15
o USB cable $10
o Power Adapter $10
o Sim Card (installed in hotspot) $25
 The library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expenses resulting from the use
or misuse of the device, connection of the device to other electronic devices, or data loss
resulting from the use of this device. Please follow proper care and use. Do not remove
the SIM card for any reason.
 While using hotspots, each user must adhere to all local, state, and federal laws
including, but not limited to, those concerning fraud, piracy, or obscenity. Use of the
Library’s hotspots in connection with illegal, disruptive, or destructive manner may result
in the loss of mobile hotspot privileges and potentially criminal prosecution. Hotspots
cannot be used outside of the United States.
 All checkouts and renewals require users to sign a Hotspot Lending Agreement form
Adopted September 21, 2020