Who may use the Ericson Public Library

1. The library, its resources and materials are open for use to all residents of the city of
Boone, residents of all towns in Boone County, all rural residents of Boone County, and
all those residents of towns which participate in the State of Iowa Open Access Program.
Non-residents not eligible for borrowing privileges may be eligible to purchase a library
card for a fee established by the Board of Trustees. (See Fines/Fees Policy) A valid form
of identification and proof of address must be presented at the time of registration in
addition to the payment of the non-resident fee.
2. To serve varied interests and points of view, the library collection contains materials with
a broad range of political, economic, religious, artistic, and philosophical viewpoints.
Anyone, regardless of age, may select materials, including audiovisual materials, from
any part of the library collection.
3. The library collection may include materials which parents may consider inappropriate
for their children. It is the responsibility of parents to monitor their own children’s use of
library materials.
4. Parents may request that their minor children be restricted to checking out
material from the Children’s Department.
5. Unless specifically restricted by a written request from the parents/guardians,
children may select materials, including audiovisual materials, from any part
of the library collection.
Adopted January 19, 2004
Revised and approved September 17, 2014
Reviewed December 13, 2021

Registration and use of library cards

Registration and use of library cards
1. Adult registration
Eligible persons may apply for a library card by filling out a registration form and displaying a
current picture ID and proof of current address (voting card, utility bill, recently
postmarked mail, or check with imprinted address). If the applicant has no proof of a
current address available, the library card may be mailed to the applicant.
2. Children and Juvenile registration
A library card for a child under the age of 16 will be issued when the parent or guardian has
signed the ―statement of responsibility‖ card and proof of residence has been provided.
The child must be present for the card to be issued. Guardians may be asked to provide
documentation of guardianship.
3. Library card or picture identification required
A borrower must present valid identification to check out materials. If the borrower does not
have their library card, they may present a picture ID card (such as a driver’s license).
The staff will look up and verify the borrower’s record before proceeding with check-out.
4. Use of another person’s card
A borrower using another person’s card is considered to have permission to use that card
unless we have had express notice that the card is lost, stolen, or restricted. A patron
whose library card is suspended or has fines over $10.00 (adult and children) may not
use other family member’s cards or friend’s cards. The cardholder will be held
responsible for all items checked out on the card before the date that the library is
notified of the card being lost or stolen.
5. Change of address/telephone
It is the responsibility of the cardholder (or parent, if the cardholder is a juvenile) to notify the
library of any change in address or contact information.
6. Library cards and expiration dates
Library cards are active for two years and then expire. If a card is expired, a patron will
need to update their information. Patrons who have not used their library cards for a
longer period of time are taken out of the circulation system automatically. The library
does not keep any of the patrons’ information on file. Patrons who have a card but are
not active in the system need to register as a new patron.
7. Library accounts may be closed after three years of inactivity and if all items have been
returned and no fines remain.
Adopted November 15, 2004
Revised and approved December 13, 2021


Lost Cards

1. It is the responsibility of the cardholder (or the parent, if the cardholder is a minor) to
notify the library immediately when a card is lost or stolen.
2. Until the library receives such notice, any use of the library card will be considered to be
with the cardholder’s permission, and the cardholder will be held responsible for items
checked out on the card.
3. When the library is notified that a card is lost/stolen, staff will immediately stop service on
the card and enter a notice that the card was reported lost/stolen, and the date.
4. If the library card is subsequently presented, the patron must show acceptable
identification proving he is the cardholder, or the card will be confiscated.
5. If the lost card is not found, the patron may be issued a replacement card for $1 upon
showing acceptable identification.
Adopted December 18, 2000
Reviewed and approved December 13, 2021

Confidentiality of Library Records

The Board of Trustees of the Ericson Public Library recognizes the responsibility to protect
the privacy of library users. Confidentiality is essential to protect the exercise of First
Amendment rights.
Library records are treated specifically in Code of Iowa 22.7 ―Examination of Public Records
(Open Records): paragraphs 13 and 14. The citation is copied here and included in this
22.7 Confidential records.
The following public records shall be kept confidential, unless otherwise ordered by a
court, by the lawful custodian of the records, or by another person duly authorized
to release such information:
13. The records of a library which would, by themselves or when examined with
other public records, reveal the identity of the library patron checking out or
requesting an item or information from the library. The records shall be
released to a criminal or juvenile justice agency only pursuant to an
investigation of a particular person or organization suspected of committing a
known crime. The records shall be released only upon a judicial determination
that a rational connection exists between the requested release of information
and legitimate end and that the need for the information is cogent and
14. The material of a library, museum or archive which has been contributed by
a private person to the extent of any limitation that is a condition of the
Confidentiality extends to information sought or received and materials consulted, borrowed,
or acquired. Confidentiality includes database search records, reference interviews,
interlibrary loan records, computer use records, and all other personally identifiable uses
of library materials, facilities or services.
In addition to the protections afforded by the Code of Iowa and the Constitution of the
United States of America, Ericson Public Library will hold confidential the names of card
holders and their registration information and will not provide access for private, public or
commercial use.
In keeping with the above statements and the Code of Iowa, the following shall be the policy
for Ericson Public Library records;
1. The lawful custodian of the records is the Director of the library.
2. Ericson Public Library registration records and circulation records shall be kept
3. If there is a reasonable basis to believe library registration records are necessary to the
progress of an investigation or prosecution, the request for such records including the
justification for the request shall be made to the Director, in writing on official letterhead
by an official of the investigation or prosecution workforce, who has provided necessary
4. If there is a reasonable basis to believe library circulation records are necessary to the
progress of an investigation or prosecution, the judicial system provides the mechanism
for seeking release of such confidential records: the issuance of a court order, following
a showing of good cause based on specific facts, by a court of competent jurisdiction.
5. Circulation records shall not be made available to any agency of local, state, or federal
government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized
under the authority of, and pursuant to, local, state, or federal law relating to civil,
criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.
6. The issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena shall be resisted
until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of
competent jurisdiction.
7. The library cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information sought or received, or
materials consulted or borrowed from third-party digital services to which we provide
access. When patrons use those resources, they are subject to the individual third-party
terms and privacy policies.
The library record of a child has the same confidentiality protection under Library policies as
that of any other patrons with the following exceptions.
 Parents or legal guardians are permitted access to the records of their minor
children under the age of 13 (thirteen). The parent/legal guardian must be
accompanied by the child or provide the child’s library card, and/or provide
other acceptable identification. In the case of telephone inquiries, library card
number and verification of the child’s address, telephone number, and date of
birth are required.
 Parents or legal guardians of minor children ages 13-17 are permitted to know
only the number of items, not titles, authors, or subjects, charged out on their
children’s library cards, unless the child accompanies the parent or legal
guardian to the Library and grants permission for access. The parent or legal
guardian must provide the children’s library card or, in the case of telephone
inquiries, library card number and verification of the child’s address, telephone
number, and date of birth.
 Ericson Public Library recognizes that parents or legal guardians who have
signed their minor children’s applications have assumed financial responsibility
for materials charged out to their children’s cards; therefore, parents or legal
guardians will be provided with specific information about their minor children’s
library records when materials are overdue or lost.
Adopted September 15, 2003
Reviewed and approved December 13, 2021​​​​​​​


Unattended Children

1. Parents/guardians may not leave children under the age of nine years unattended in the
library and are responsible for their children’s behavior while in the library whether or not
the parent is present. Parents will also be responsible for any disturbance or damage
done to the library by their child. Children age nine and older may use the library
unattended provided that their behavior is not disruptive. Children and young people
who are disruptive in the library or on library grounds interfere with library service to all
patrons. Disruptive behavior is any form of behavior that seriously or constantly disturbs
patrons or staff; damages library property; interferes with library service or endangers
the well being of the child or others. The Ericson Public Library is not a child care
provider and staff cannot supervise children or act as a substitute for daycare. The
library is not responsible for the safety or security of children left unattended.
2. If a child is left unattended in the library, the staff will attempt to locate his/her
parents/guardians. Staff members are not permitted to remain after hours with an
unattended child or give him/her a ride home. For the safety of the child, the staff will not
leave a child under the age of nine outside to wait on a ride. If a parent/guardian cannot
be reached by the time the library is to close, the Boone police will be called to escort the
child home or keep the child until parents can be reached.
3. If a child is reported missing staff will obtain name, age, and a description of child. They
will check all possible areas within the library and page the child on intercom. If child is
not found, it is recommended that the police are immediately notified.
Adopted July 21, 2003
Revised and approved September 15, 2014
Reviewed and approved December 13, 2021


Library Behavior Policy

The Library provides a safe, comfortable environment conducive to the use of library
materials and facilities. The Library and its services are available to all members of the
public. Any activity which interferes with the rights of other patrons to use the library,
which could result in injury to oneself or others, or which could cause damage to the
building, grounds, materials, or equipment is considered disruptive and unacceptable.
Misbehavior will not be allowed in the Library and may be subject to follow-up by law
enforcement if necessary.
Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to cause a nuisance to others shall be
required to leave the building.
Misbehavior includes, but is not limited to:
 Any illegal activity including violating municipal, state, or federal law or codes
 Possession, use, or threat of use of weapons of any type on Library premises, except
for peace officers. Weapons shall mean any gun, device or instrument as defined in
Iowa Code Sections 724.1 and 724.7 and those regulated or prohibited in Boone
Municipal Code
 Interference with staff members’ performance of duties on Library property. This
includes engaging in conversation or behavior that monopolizes the attention of a
staff member for an inappropriate period of time; making inappropriate personal
comments, sexual advances, harassment of a physical and/or verbal nature; or
refusing to comply with a staff directive Theft, vandalism, or the deliberate destruction
of Library materials, property, or the personal property of other patrons or staff
 Smoking, using e-cigarettes or alcohol, or chewing tobacco on Library premises and
within 25 (twenty-five) feet of the Library entrances
 Soliciting, campaigning, petitioning, survey taking, fundraising, unless authorized by
the Director
 Consuming, possessing, or being under the influence of illicit or intoxicating
substances on Library property
 Running and roaming
 Throwing objects
 Willfully annoying, harassing, or threatening any person on Library premises
 Making loud or prolonged conversation/noises whether in person or on the phone.
Cell phone calls should be moved to a non service area, such as the stairwell or
 Using profane or abusive language
 Paying unwelcome attention to Library staff or patrons
 Inappropriately touching oneself or others
 Engaging in behavior that endangers or could endanger the safety or health of others
 Congregating on Library premises in a manner which obstructs access or interferes
with use of Library facilities or services or where such activity is likely to result in an
unsafe or intimidating environment. This includes solicitation and panhandling as well
as distribution of leaflets or un-authorized notices
 Skateboarding anywhere on Library property
 Playing audio equipment at a level that can be heard by others
 Bringing animals other than assistance dogs into the Library
 Failure to dress appropriately always wearing shirt and shoes
 Picture taking, photography or filming, without prior permission from Library staff
 Parking bicycles anywhere other than designated bicycle rack
 Entering non-public or locked areas, unless accompanied by a staff member or
through prior authorization from a staff member
 Sleeping on Library premises or exhibit the appearance of sleep
 Leaving a child 8 years old or younger unattended in the Library, or leaving an
individual who requires a caregiver unattended in the Library
 Viewing sexually explicit images on the Internet or violating the Library’s Internet
Acceptable Use Policy
 Using bathrooms for unreasonable or unintended purposes including bathing and
 Interfering with patrons’ use of the library through poor bodily hygiene which is so
offensive as to constitute a nuisance
Enforcement of these rules is dependent on the severity of the misbehavior as determined
by the staff on duty or the Director.
Patrons who engage in misbehavior will be given one warning and asked to behave in an
appropriate manner. Patrons who do not modify their behavior after one warning may be
asked to leave the Library. Patrons who engage in misbehavior that in the judgment of a
staff member is extreme will be ordered to leave the Library building and grounds
immediately. If necessary, library staff has the authority to summon the police.
Any person who causes repeated misbehavior in the Library may be warned in person or
writing that his or her Library privileges will be revoked and he or she will not be allowed
to enter the building if the behavior continues. If this person continues to cause
disturbances, he or she will be banned from the Library for a period of time and/or
served with a Trespass Notice. When Library privileges are reinstated, and if the
disturbances continue, the Library will take action to bar the individual from Library
property for a longer period of time. Library staff has the authority to exclude any
disruptive patron and may summon the police if necessary.
Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior while on Library property. Disruptive
children, as well as adults, will be asked to leave the building after receiving one verbal
warning. Police may be called to provide assistance. More than one such occurrence, or
the inability of the parent to provide immediate assistance, may result in suspension of
Library privileges by the child and his or her parent(s) at the discretion of the Library
Adopted October 20, 2003
Reviewed and approved December 13, 2021

Food and Drink Policy

Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza,
salads, soup). Meals are permitted in the meeting room and for library approved
programs and events only.
Covered beverages and snacks are permitted; however they are restricted from the
following areas:
 by or near computers
 by or near photocopiers, printers and scanners
 microfilm areas
 specific areas as posted
Non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in covered, spill-proof containers. It is the individual’s
responsibility to throw away wrappers, containers and other trash in trash receptacles. It
is the individual’s responsibility to report major spills to library staff immediately, so we
can arrange for appropriate clean-up. In the event of damage from food or drink to
library materials or equipment, costs may be assessed to the responsible patron.
Patrons who fail to follow these guidelines will receive one verbal warning and then banned
to have any food or drink in the library.
The Ericson Public Library wants to maintain an environment that is appropriate for the
protection of library materials. If not picked up, food and beverages can attract rodents,
cockroaches, silverfish and other unwanted pests that damage library materials. By
complying with the policies, users and staff will help maintain a clean work environment,
a pest-free building, and aid in the preservation of our collections for future generations,
while enjoying some food and drink in many areas of the building.
Adopted December 20, 2010
Revised and approved June 20, 2016
Reviewed and approved December 13, 2021​​​​​​​


Registered Sex Offenders Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Ericson Public Library is in compliance with
Iowa Code Chapter 692A that excludes registered sex offenders convicted of offenses
against minors from public libraries. Sex offenders convicted of a sex offense against a
minor shall not be present upon the real property of a public library and they shall not
loiter with three hundred feet of the real property boundary of a public library. The Code
provides an exception to this prohibition if the library administrator provides written
The Library Director will not give written permission for registered sex offenders convicted of
sex offenses against minors to be in the library. This decision can be appealed to the
Library Board of Trustees. The issuance of a library card at any time is NOT permission
to enter the library.
Registered sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors may be eligible for some
library services. They may receive information via telephone or online. They may
register for a card directly with the Director, or her designee, via telephone or online, and
make arrangements for a person of their choosing to select, check out, and return
materials using that card. They may use that card to access the library’s online
materials or databases. Person barred from the library property under the law will not be
served by the library’s homebound delivery service.
Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to law enforcement and violators will
lose all library privileges. Violators will be subject to prosecution for violation of the Iowa
Adopted August 17, 2009
Reviewed and approved December 13, 2021