Library Mission Statement and Objectives

1. Mission
A destination for opportunities to connect with others, to learn, and to enrich lives.
Connect * Learn * Enrich
2. Objectives
All activities of the library are designed to facilitate use of its resources, to remove barriers,
to invite use, and to guide reading toward the goals of each individual. These primary
objectives serve as the library’s guide:
a. To serve the community as a general center of reliable information.
b. To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, men
and women to educate and entertain themselves.
c. To assemble and administer books and library materials in organized
collections, and promote their use through guidance and stimulation for the
development of an enlightened citizenship and enriched lives.
d. To seek continually to identify community needs, to provide programs and
services to meet such needs, and to cooperate with other organizations,
agencies and institutions that can provide programs or services to meet
community needs.
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021

Library Organizational Chart

org chart.jpg



Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021


ByLaws of the Ericson Public Library

Article I. Name
The name of the library shall be known as Ericson Public Library.
Article II. Library Board
According to the requirements of Chapter 2.48, Boone Municipal Code, the Board of
Trustees of the Ericson Public Library shall consist of nine members to be appointed by
the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council. The general powers and duties of the
Board of Trustees of the Ericson Public Library are outlined in Chapter 392.5 of the
Code of Iowa and Chapter 2.48 of the Boone Municipal Code. The Board shall exercise
its power and duties by:
Section 1
Employing a competent and qualified Library Director.
Section 2
Cooperating with the Director in determining and adopting written policies to govern the
operation and program of the library, including personnel policies and policies governing
the selection of library materials, supplies and equipment.
Section 3
Reporting to and cooperating with other public officials, boards and the community as a
whole to support a public relations program for the library.
Section 4
Assisting in the preparation of and seeking adequate support of the annual budget.
Section 5
Developing long-range goals for the library and working toward their achievement.
Article III. Officers
The officers of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a President, Vice-President/President -
Elect and Secretary/Treasurer. Their terms of office shall be for two years. The Vice-
President/President-Elect shall become the President upon completion of his or her
term. The Vice-President/President-Elect and the Financial Secretary shall be elected at
the annual meeting and hold office until their successors are elected and installed. The
President shall become Past President upon the completion of his term. The Library
Director shall serve as Secretary of the Board. The duties of all officers shall be such as
by custom and law the rules of this Board usually devolve upon such officers in
accordance with their titles. Warrants shall be signed by any two (2) board members.
Article IV. Meetings.
Section 1.
Regular meetings shall be held monthly; date and hour to be determined by the Board,
in the library or such other place as the Board may determine. The annual meeting will
be held in July of each year. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the
President or the Library Director, or at the call of any two members of the Board,
provided that notice thereof is given to all Trustees at least 24 hours in advance of the
special meeting. Only such business as stated in the call may be transacted.
Section 2.
A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of a majority of the
confirmed board members.
Section 3.
Order of business shall be as follows:
Roll call
Reading and approving of minutes of the previous meeting
Correspondence and communications
Report of the Library Director
Financial report and approval of expenditures
Committee reports
Unfinished business
New business
Section 4.
The Library Director in cooperation with the President of the Board shall prepare an
agenda for board meeting. This agenda will be released to the media and posted at the
library at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. All meetings of the Board are open to
members of the public who wish to observe. Non-Board members who wish to address
the Board shall request a place on the agenda not later than 24 hours before the time
established for the meeting. The request may be directed to the President,
Secretary/Treasurer, or the Library Director. The Board will conduct the meeting
according to Roberts’ Rules of Order.
Article V. Committees
At the annual meeting of the Board, the President shall appoint three (3) standing
committees of three (3) members:
1. Personnel (shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, and the
2. Public Relations / Advocacy
3. Building and Grounds
Article VI. The Library Director
The Library Director shall be the executive director of the policies adopted by the Board.
The Director’s performance shall be evaluated annually by the Personnel Committee.
Among his/her duties and responsibilities shall be:
A. To select all materials for the library in all formats.
B. To maintain and operate the physical plant.
C. To recruit, train, assign, and dismiss members of the library staff.
D. To inform the Board continually and completely regarding the finances, public
services, physical plant, personnel, collection, and other developments, changes and
problems of the library.
E. The Director shall be in attendance at all meeting of the Board unless excused
absence is approved.
F. The Director shall discharge such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board,
provided that in the performance of such, he/she not incur debt or liability of any kind
without authority from the Board.
Article VII. Amendments to by-laws
Amendments to these by-laws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Board,
provided that notice of proposed amendments is given to all members of the Board in
advance of the meeting.
Adopted October 15, 2007
Revised and approved July 16, 2018 November 15, 2021

Long Range Plan 2019-2024

Service Response #1: Accessibility and Connection to Technology

Goal 1: The community will have increased access to online library services.

Objective 1: The library will begin circulating hot spots for public check-out.

 Activity 1: The library will pursue funding avenues and purchase 10-20 hot spots.

Activity 2: Library director and board will develop circulation and use policies for hot spots.

 Activity 3: The library will begin promotion of hot spots. (Winter 2019)

 Activity 4: The library will begin circulating hot spots. (Spring 2020)

Objective 2: The library will increase awareness of online library services

Activity 1: The library staff will review current marketing materials. (Spring 2019)

Activity 2: Staff will work on a marketing campaign for print and online mediums (social media). (Fall 2019)

Activity 3:  Staff will promote services by doing community presentations and being more involved in community organizations. (Winter 2019)

Goal 2: Library users will have improved connectivity and wi-fi capabilities at the library.

Objective 1: The library will provide the best possible wi-fi services currently available.

Activity 1: Library director will assess wi-fi/internet connectivity options to learn best/improved options. (Summer 2019)

Activity 2: Library director will consider e-rate options for funding improved internet access capabilities. (Summer 2019)

Activity 3: Library will pursue increased/improved wi-fi provisions based upon above findings in activities 1 & 2. (Winter/Spring 2020)

Objective 2: The library will maintain and improve the network infrastructure.

Activity 1: Library director will consult with network technician and develop best practices. (Fall 2020)

Activity 2: Create a replacement schedule for network equipment. (Fall 2020)

Goal 3: Library users will increase their use of E-readers and online databases to access online library resources.

Objective 1: The library will begin circulating E-readers for public check-out.

Activity 1: The library will pursue funding avenues and purchase 10 E-readers.

Activity 2: Library director and board will develop circulation and use policies for E-readers.

Activity 3: The library will begin promotion of E-Readers. (Summer 2020)

 Activity 4: The library will begin circulating E-Readers. (Fall 2020)

Objective 2: The library will increase technology access and training.

Activity 1: Provide outreach technology help sessions each month. (Fall 2019)

Activity 2: Continue tech tutor sessions as needed.

Activity 3: Develop tech help drop in times in the library during advertised hours. (Spring 2020)

Service Response #2:  Spaces/Places

Goal 1: The public will have additional access to meeting space.

Objective 1: The library will incorporate private study areas.

Activity 1:   The library will obtain general quotes for installation of 2-4 study rooms. (Spring 2020)

Activity 2: Library director will investigate funding options. (Fall 2020)

 upon findings in Activities 1 & 2 above (Spring 2021)

Objective 2: The library will consider after-hours use of the large meeting room.

Activity 1: The board and director will develop a list of considerations for after-hours use. (Spring 2022)

Activity 2: The library will consider modification of current operating hours to accommodate later use of meeting room. (Spring 2022)

Activity 3: The board will review current meeting room policies and develop new policies (as necessary) regarding new use of meeting space (i.e. after hours or extended hours). (Spring 2022)

Goal 2: The public will have more library spaces which will enhance collaboration, technology and streamline services.

Objective 1: The library will invest in technological solutions to provide more self service.

Activity 1: The library will add a self checkout station to the main floor. (Fall 2019)

Activity 2: The library will consider if we want to turn on the functionality for self check-in. (Fall 2019)

Activity 3: Library staff will make the checkout stations more prominent with better signage. (Winter 2019)

Activity4: The director and board will investigate library media box or kiosk use and costs. (Winter 2023)

Objective 2: The library will work to improve circulation desk use and layout.

Activity 1: The library will review best practices and trends on desk assistance. (Spring 2023)

Activity 2: The library will survey staff and patrons on what is/is not working with the current setup and layout on each floor. (Spring 2023)

Activity 3: Develop a design based on Activities 1 and 2 and investigate funding options. (Summer 2023)

Goal 3: Online library users/searchers will receive updated information from the library’s website.

Objective 1: Library staff will work on making site more user friendly, intuitive and add content that will increase use of library resources.

Activity 1: Staff will consider recommendations for website improvements from State Library consultant. (Spring 2019)

Activity 2: Staff will work with district Library Resources Technician to modify current homepage display of database icons. (Spring 2019)

Activity 3: The Library director will assign particular webpages to appropriate staff members for routine updates.

Activity 4: Webpages will be updated at least monthly.

Activity 5: The library will begin monitoring number of “hits” and interactions with the website and strive for a (2%) increase of usage between (2020 and 2022)

Service Response #3: Education/Lifelong Learning

Goal 1: School children will have increased access to library resources.

Objective 1: The library will increase its outreach to schools.

Activity 1: Librarians and director will increase communication with school librarian, teachers and other appropriate school representatives to offer outreach and after-school programming (at the schools) at least once a month during the school year for each age group (elementary, middle school and high school). (Fall 2019)

Activity 2: Librarians and director will work with ILS vendor to develop ways to provide off-site library card creation and check-outs. (Spring 2020)

Activity 3: Librarians will develop small “pop-up library” of children’s and young adult books for circulation at the schools during library visits. (Spring 2020)

Objective 2: School children will have the option of traveling from school to library as “drop off” site.

Activity 1: Children’s librarian and director will discuss with appropriate school representatives the possibilities of designating the library as a school bus drop-off site. (Fall 2019)

Activity 2: Children’s librarian and other programming/outreach staff will develop age-appropriate activities for after-school attendees. (Fall 2019)

Activity 3: Children’s librarian will evaluate attendance/outcomes after 1 year of operation and discuss with director future continuation/modification of program. (Fall 2020)

Goal 2: Library users will have increased access to library resources.

Objective 1: The board will consider modification of current library hours (extending evening hours)

Activity 1: Library director will thoroughly review door count and other stats to determine library’s busiest (and least busy) hours. Director will report findings to library board. (Spring 2019)

Activity 2: Library director will develop and issue a survey to the public (in summer 2019) regarding possible new hours.

Activity 3: Based upon information and survey input, the board will discuss with director possibilities of staffing different hours and develop a schedule.

Activity 3: As determined necessary, the library board will consider modifying hours by Spring 2020.

Objective 2: The library will develop and expand partnerships to reach more users.

      Activity 1: Library will create a current list of partners. (Fall 2020)

Activity 2: Library staff will continue to meet with and develop partnerships to expand awareness of community resources. (Fall 2021)

Objective 3: The library will support educational goals of students and lifelong learners.

Activity 1: The Young Adult librarian will develop a plan to facilitate and advance students’ interest in learning and postsecondary education. (Summer 2021)

Activity 2: The library will continue to offer lifelong learning programming for adults through a variety of workshops, classes and hosted events.

Revised and approved January 21, 2019


City Code of Ordinances

Chapter 22 of Boone City Code(pages 101-106)


Library Board Committees

Library Board Committees
1. Personnel
Is composed of the President, Vice-President, and the Secretary/Treasurer to evaluate
the Library Director on an annual basis and serve as a committee to advise on personnel
issues from staff that are disciplinary in nature or unresolved issues. An employee and
the Library Director may call upon this committee to assist in resolving personnel issues.
Schedule biannual meetings with the Director concerning planned and suggested
2. Public Relations / Advocacy Committee
Aid in public awareness of library and its activities by working with other committees
and the Director to channel information to media sources. The committee will also
work to help convey to the community the value of the library.
Schedule biannual meetings with the Director concerning planned and suggested
A member of this committee should represent the Library Board by his/her presence
at the meetings of the Friends of the Library.
This committee should be responsible for the awards and recognition of employees
and board members (as determined by the board).
The committee will appoint a chairman to be a point of contact.
3. Buildings and Grounds Committee
Description: The Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Ericson Public Library will
strive to ensure that the structure of the library is maintained to high standards and
that the grounds are safe and attractive to the patrons. The committee will serve as a
resource to the Director, Library Building Maintenance staff, City Engineer, and the
Board of Trustees.
Objectives the Building and Grounds committee will strive to meet are:
 To work closely with the Director and Building Maintenance staff when
maintenance issues arise (both immediate and long-range) by assisting with
identifying problems, exploring various options of correction, and implementing
plans of correction.
 To ensure that the various systems and components of the building’s
infrastructure are monitored and inspected on a timely basis and that
documentation of these inspections are dated, recorded and safely filed for
future reference. Routine maintenance schedules, manuals, warranties and
instructions of operation for various systems will also be filed and available for
reference. Examples of systems routinely monitored would include the
heating/air conditioning system, fire sprinkler system, fire extinguishers,
elevator, alarms, etc.
 To ensure that the building and grounds are in compliance with OSHA,
ADA, and State Fire Marshall regulations and that the necessary standards
are met for insurance coverage.
 To attempt to plan in advance when furnishings or systems are in need
of repair or replacement and present these plans to the Director and Board of
Trustees for consideration.
 The committee will appoint a chairman to be a point of contact.
Adopted July 18, 2011
Reviewed and approved September 15, 2014
Revised and approved November 15, 2021​​​​​​​