Library Hours

Library Hours
The hours for the library will be:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed
The library will be closed the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
President’s Day
Spring Holiday (Friday before Easter)
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Pufferbilly Saturday
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
The Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
On Christmas Eve, the library will close at 1:00 p.m.
Adopted January 12, 2009
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021


Library meeting rooms

Library meeting rooms
To ensure these spaces are available, clean, and functional for all members of our
community, the Ericson Public Library Board of Trustees sets forth the following
guidelines defining the use of the library’s meeting rooms. The Ericson Public Library
meeting rooms are provided for educational, civic, cultural and public information events.
Meeting rooms may be used only during regularly scheduled hours of library service for
the specified reservation time. Use of Library meeting rooms by any individual or group
signifies acceptance of the terms of this policy.
2nd Floor meeting room guidelines:
1. Application to use the meeting room shall be made to the Administrative office.
Applications must include the name of the group, the date and time of the meeting,
the number of persons expected, and the name and telephone number of a
contact/responsible person.
2. Reservations for the meeting room will be taken up to six (6) months in advance.
3. Attendance at the meeting is limited to no more than seventy-five (75) persons.
4. Activities sponsored by the City of Boone, the library or Friends of the Library will
receive preference for the use of the meeting room. The library reserves the right to
call no later than ten (10) days prior to a reservation and cancel that reservation if
such an activity should arise.
5. The use of library space for meetings does not imply the library’s endorsement of the
aims and goals of the groups using the room or of the ideas expressed in the
6. Smoking, alcohol and controlled substances are not permitted in the library, including
the meeting room.
7. No money-raising functions, such as on-premises sales, admission fees, free will
offerings, or dues are allowed except for those that benefit the library or the Friends
of the Library.
8. The library’s meeting rooms are not available for private social functions such as
weddings, birthday or anniversary parties.
9. Placement of signs or other material on the walls is limited to the conference board
and the tack strip provided.
10. No group may store their property in the meeting room or use the library as a mailing
11. Audiovisual equipment is available for use and should be reserved at the same time
the room is reserved. Equipment includes TV, VCR, DVD, AV projector and
overhead projector. A screen and PA system are provided in the room.
12. Groups may request advance training on meeting room equipment prior to the
scheduled event. Please be aware that there may not be library staff available to
assist with the equipment during a meeting or event. Individuals or groups are
responsible for paying for the replacement or repair of lost, stolen, or
damaged equipment as assessed by the library.
13. Meeting room requests must be made by an adult who is 18 years or older and who
will insure adult supervision is provided.
14. Groups serving food or beverages must dispose of their trash in the receptacles
15. Preparation of the room for the meeting and cleanup following the meeting are the
responsibility of the group requesting use of the room. Users of the room assume full
responsibility for damage to Library property and equipment in their custody.
Individuals using these spaces must comply with all library policies and shall
immediately cease actions deemed in violation of this, or any library policy(ies) upon
request. Failure to abide by the library’s policies and procedures will result in
suspension or termination of privileges.
Children’s meeting room guidelines:
1. Application to use the meeting room shall be made to the Children’s Department.
Applications must include the name of the group, the date and time of the meeting,
the number of persons expected, and the name and telephone number of a
contact/responsible person.
2. Reservations for the meeting room will be taken up to six (6) months in advance.
3. Attendance at the meeting is limited to no more than seventy-five (75) persons,
seating and chairs need to be requested at the time of reservation to be guaranteed.
4. Activities sponsored by the City of Boone, the library or Friends of the Library will
receive preference for the use of the meeting room. The library reserves the right to
call no later than ten (10) days prior to a reservation and cancel that reservation if
such an activity should arise.
5. The use of library space for meetings does not imply the library’s endorsement of the
aims and goals of the groups using the room or of the ideas expressed in the
6. Smoking, alcohol and controlled substances are not permitted in the library, including
the meeting room.
7. No money-raising functions, such as on-premises sales, admission fees, free will
offerings, or dues are allowed except for those that benefit the library or the Friends
of the Library.
8. The library’s meeting rooms are not available for private social functions such as
weddings, birthday or anniversary parties.
9. Placement of signs or other material on the walls is limited to the conference board
and the tack strip provided.
10. No group may store their property in the meeting room or use the library as a mailing
address. No group may utilize library supplies in the children’s activity room unless
11. Audiovisual equipment is available for use and should be reserved at the same time
the room is reserved. Equipment includes VCR, DVD, AV projector and One Screen.
A screen and PA system are available if needed.
12. Groups may request advance training on meeting room equipment prior to the
scheduled event. Please be aware that there may not be library staff available to
assist with the equipment during a meeting or event. Individuals or groups are
responsible for paying for the replacement or repair of lost, stolen, or
damaged equipment as assessed by the library.
13. Meeting room requests must be made by an adult who is 18 years or older and who
will insure adult supervision is provided.
14. Groups serving food or beverages must dispose of their trash in the receptacles
provided. Preparation of the room for the meeting and cleanup following the meeting
are the responsibility of the group requesting use of the room. Users of the room
assume full responsibility for damage to Library property and equipment in their
custody. Individuals using these spaces must comply with all library policies and shall
immediately cease actions deemed in violation of this, or any library policy(ies) upon
request. Failure to abide by the library’s policies and procedures will result in
suspension or termination of privileges.
The user agrees to release the Ericson Public Library from liability of all claims,
demands, actions or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising or resulting directly
or indirectly from the use or occupancy by the user, its employees, contractors, agents,
officers, guests, or invitees due to any act or omission of any such person.
Adopted January 17, 2005
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021

Display case, bulletin boards and hanging displays

General Policies
As part of its public service and information mission, the Ericson Public Library makes
available a brochure shelf for handouts, display and exhibit areas, and bulletin boards.
The use of these areas is intended to increase public awareness of the range of
information available in the library collection and to make available information created
by and of interest to the local community. When space is limited, preference is given to
Boone organizations.
Displays, exhibits, handouts, and materials posted on bulletin boards are covered by the
adoption of national statements of the Library. Materials displayed or distributed in
public areas may advocate a position, but the display and distribution do not constitute
endorsement of the materials’ content by the Library.
All handouts or materials for public brochure areas and bulletin boards must be evaluated
for compliance with guidelines. If questions arise about appropriateness of materials,
the material will be referred to the Director. Unauthorized material may be discarded.
Specific Guidelines
1. All materials to be posted on the library bulletin boards must be approved by library
staff or referred to the Director. Appeals to the Director’s decision may be made to
the Library Board, which shall have the final approving authority. All materials posted
become the property of the library, and may be removed and discarded.
2. Acceptable materials to be posted include notices of the following:
A. educational, cultural, civic and community activities
B. public information activities and events
C. courses, classes, workshops and study groups
D. religious or political meetings and events
E. community/personal services, excludes for sale items such as cars or puppies,
3. Unacceptable materials include any that contain obscenities or profanities, or
promote hatred, violence, or discrimination.
4. Posting of materials does not imply endorsement by the library. Limited space may
impose size restrictions on materials.
5. Artists, craftsmen, and collectors may be invited to exhibit their works or collections in
the glass display cases or on the walls of the library. While the library will ensure that
the cases remain locked while in use, the library cannot be held responsible for theft
from the cases or the walls, for fire or water damage, or any other damage to
exhibited items. The exhibitor assumes all risks associated with allowing his works or
collection to be on exhibit and will be required to sign a release to that effect.
Adopted November 17, 2008
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021

Emergency Responses

1. Fire
A. In the event of a fire, staff will sound the alarm and make sure that all patrons heard
the alarm and are exiting the building. Dial 911 as soon as safely possible. Direct
patrons to the nearest exit. If the fire is very small and in your judgment can be
extinguished with a fire extinguisher, attempt to do so while working in teams of two,
always keeping a viable exit to your back. If the fire area is known, and it is safe to
do so, shut the door(s) to the fire area to reduce the movement of smoke and heat
prior to exiting the building.
B. Staff will assemble on the sidewalk across the street west in front of the Presbyterian
Church. The Director or supervisory staff will verify that all of their staff is present.
Staff shall remain assembled until advised by the Fire Department that the building is
safe to reenter or until the Director or the senior library employee in charge dismisses
the employees.
2. Tornadoes
A. If the tornado warning siren sounds, staff will announce ―this is a tornado warning, the
shelter is on the ground floor.‖
B. Staff on first and second floor will get the flashlight from their circulation desk and go
to the ground floor. Staff in the Children’s Department will get their cordless
telephone, radio and flashlight. All will gather in the designated shelter area, the hall
outside the restrooms.
3. Toxic Chemicals
A. If the library is warned of a danger from toxic chemicals by the Boone Fire
Department whether as a result of terrorist action or accidental spill, staff will follow
the orders of the Fire Department or the County Emergency Management Office as
to whether to evacuate or remain in the building.
B. If staff remain in the building, supervisory staff will close the dampers and turn off the
air handling system.
4. Other Emergencies
A. For all other emergencies, the staff will follow the orders of the Fire Department,
Police Department, or Emergency Management Office, as appropriate.
Adopted April 21, 2003
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021




Unscheduled Closings

1. In the event of sustained loss of electricity, heating, or cooling, or when weather
conditions of ice or snow make travel dangerous, it may become necessary and
prudent to close the library building.
2. The Director shall make the determination to close. If the Director is not available,
the following persons will be responsible for making the determination:
A. The Assistant Director
B. The Adult Services full time librarian if the Assistant Director is not available.
C. The Children’s Librarian if the Adult Services full time librarian is not available.
3. Staff may call a Board member for counsel and advice, in the following order of
preference: 1. Board President 2. Board Vice-President 3. Board Past-President
4. Any other Board member.
4. When it has been determined to close the library, the person making the decision will
ensure that:
A. Radio station KWBG is notified
B. ―Closed signs are put on both doors
C. Staff members scheduled to work are notified
Adopted April 21, 2003
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021


Security Camera Policy

The Library must offer a welcoming, open atmosphere and provide a quiet, comfortable and
safe environment where people can use library facilities and collections for intended
purposes to the maximum extent possible.
Security cameras are used where needed to provide peace of mind to library users and staff
by discouraging violations of the Library’s Behavior Policy, to assist library staff in
preventing the occurrence of any violations, and when necessary, to provide law
enforcement assistance in prosecuting criminal activity. The purpose of this policy is to
establish guidelines for the placement and use of video security cameras, as well as the
access and retrieval of recorded video images at the Ericson Public Library.
 Cameras are installed at library locations on an as needed basis.
 Signs will be posted at Library entrances informing the public that security cameras
are in use.
 Security cameras may be placed in both indoor and outdoor areas where security
staff and designated Library staff can randomly monitor activity.
 Access to the footage in pursuit of documented incidents of criminal activity or
violation of the Library’s Behavior Policy is restricted to designated staff. Patron
access to video footage is not allowed.
 Production of video copies for distribution is limited to designated Technology and
designated Administration staff.
 Access is also allowed by police when pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or when
otherwise required by law.
 Designated staff may have access to real-time monitors. Images will be viewed on
desktop monitors placed in secure areas to ensure private access.
 Technology and Administrative staff need to refer all non-city requests for video
footage to the City’s legal counsel.
 Security Cameras differ in their recording length, and will automatically record over
themselves on an ongoing basis. Video records will not be maintained, provided no
criminal activity or policy violation has occurred.
 In situations involving banned-and-barred patrons, stored still images may be shared
with staff system-wide. Shared images may remain posted in restricted staff areas for
the duration of the banning period. After the banning period ends, these images are
archived in the Administrative Offices for 5 years.
 Because security cameras are not constantly monitored, staff and public should take
appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of personal property.
Neither the Ericson Public Library nor the City of Boone is responsible for loss of
property or personal injury.
 Cameras may be installed in public spaces where individuals lack a reasonable
expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the library such as
entrances, book stacks, public seating areas, hallways, stairways, delivery areas and
parking lots.
 Cameras may be installed in areas that could assist Law Enforcement in
documenting traffic accidents or other incidents unrelated to the Library that take
place on the public streets and surrounding properties within camera view. Examples
include cameras on the exterior of a library building that not only document activity on
Library property but also the sidewalk, public streets, and surrounding properties.
 Cameras are not positioned to identify a person’ reading, viewing or listening
activities. However, to the extent that any recorded images include identifiable
persons requesting information or checking out an item, such record shall be treated
as confidential as provided in Iowa Code §22.7 (13).
 Cameras will not be installed in areas of the Library where individuals have a
reasonable expectation of privacy, such as in restrooms.
 Cameras will not be installed for the purpose of monitoring staff performance.
 Images will be stored for a length of time based on available storage but no longer
than 21 days. As new images are recorded, the oldest images will be automatically
deleted. The length of time varies depending on the camera’s memory and recording
 Staff and patron safety is the first priority in any threatening situation. The protection
of library property is of secondary importance.
Questions from the public may be directed to the Library Director.
A copy of this policy may be shared with members of the public upon request.
Adopted February 16, 2016
Reviewed and approved November 15, 2021​​​​​​​