Fine Free

The Library will not charge overdue fines on regular materials checked out. Mobile hotspots are excluded as it has its own policy.

Why fine free?

· We don’t receive much revenue from overdue fines. Fines represent less than 0.5% of our budget

· We incur expenses to collect overdue fines, including staff time and postage

· Fines disproportionately affect children, teens, and low-income families and create a barrier for them to use the library

· Studies show that punishing people with fines doesn’t actually impact them to return things on time

· Statistics tell us that libraries which eliminate fines see increased customer registration and circulation

· Overdue fines are not effective. Studies have shown that small fines have no impact on return rates. Once someone has a late fine, they are less likely to visit the library again

· We are committed to making our library as accessible as possible to those that need it the most

· Consequences of overdue items will still include a blocked account.  You cannot check out anymore items or access other services such as Libby, Hoopla or Adventure Pass until items are returned

Will there still be fees for lost or damaged items?

Yes, we will still charge you for lost or damaged items. If you lost or accidentally tore, broke, scribbled on, or soaked an item, we will charge you the replacement cost of the lost or damaged item.

How will the library get its books back?

The library will use the same strategies to get materials back. Patrons are still expected to return items on time. If you keep library materials for too long, they will be charged to your account. If items are not returned in a timely manner the account will be blocked and the replacement cost will be charged to the account. 
We will continue to send you reminders when an item is overdue.  Our notifications are automated by the circulation system, but you are still responsible for the due date regardless of courtesy notifications.  Reminder notifications are sent out based on your notification preference:
· 3 days before item is due: Courtesy notice delivered via text or email, no phone calls
· 1 day after item is due: email or text notice, no phone calls -Account is blocked
· 7 days after item is due: First overdue notice is delivered via text, email or mail
· 14 days after item is due: Second overdue notice is delivered via text, email or mail
· 21 days after item is due: Third overdue notice is delivered via text, email or mail
· 60 days after item is due: Bill is sent for replacement cost


Will you still charge for other things?


Barcode                                   $    .50
RFID tag                                  $    .50
Dust jacket                               $    .30
Plastic audiobook case            $10.00
Plastic CD box                         $  1.00
Plastic media bag                    $  1.00  (small)
                                                 $  2.50  (large)
Plastic video/DVD box             $  1.00  (single)
                                                 $  2.00  (double)
Jewel case                               $  2.00
Library Card Replacement       $ 1.00
Photocopies                             $ 0.10- 1.00 (depending on color/size)
Fax (incoming)                         $ 0.10 (per page)
Fax (outgoing)                          $ 1.00
Interlibrary Loan Request         $ 1.00
Laminating                                $ 0.30 (per square foot)
Disc Repair                               $ 1.00 (per disc)
Non-Resident Library Card       $50.00 (per patron annually)
Hotspot replacement                 $150.00

Can I give you money?

Yes! We welcome donations if you’re feeling guilty about returning something late. Unlike overdue fines, donations stay in the library and help us purchase materials we typically can’t afford to buy. Please consider donating to the library!

Can I get a refund for fines paid in the past?

No, we do not offer refunds​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Will my taxes increase because the library is going fine free?


What happens if someone doesn’t return their items?

If items are not returned on the due date they are considered late and must be renewed or returned before additional items are checked out, including placing a reserve on Adventure Passes. Items with holds will not be auto renewed, so please ensure you check your account or signup for a notification option that best suits you. Borrowing privileges will be suspended until the overdue items are returned. If items are overdue by 60-days, patrons will be charged for the replacement cost of the item. Patrons will be sent overdue reminders asking them to return the items once the item is late and at the 7, 14, 21 day until the 60-day charge for the item occurs.

How will this affect the library’s budget?

While the library is always taking great care of our budget, any loss of overdue fine revenue is tiny compared with the good this new policy will do for the community including the return of significantly overdue materials that we won’t have to repurchase. Overdue fines account for about 0.5% of the library’s overall income and going fine free will not significantly impact the budget moving forward. In addition, due to the rise in electronic materials (which do not accrue late fines) and other factors, fines are not a sustainable form of revenue for the library. Staff will have more time to focus on providing excellent service instead of reconciling accounts.